Half 12/15, Praha, 2016

Curator: Linda K. Sedláková
Venue: Galerie Gema, Máchova 27, Praha 2
Invitation: opening invitation HERE
Dates: 1. 4. - 29. 5. 2016
Contact: www.gemagalerie.cz
Opening hours: Mon - Fri 13:00 - 18:00


Jiří Beránek, Václav Bláha, Vladimír Novák, Ivan Ouhel, Jiří Sopko and Tomáš Švéda

After fifteen years , the Gema Gallery is returning to the Prague art scene - one of the most respected private galleries in Prague in the 1990s. This time it opens a permanent exhibition space in Vinohrady in Máchova 27 in Prague and the introductory exhibition continues the tradition of "old" Gems. The exhibition Half 12/15 will present those members from the Free Group 12/15 Husova street in Prague 1 and otherwise cooperated with the Gema Gallery. Free group 12/15, Late, but still formed in 1987 as a reaction to the establishment of the group ''Stubborn''. The group formulated the basic thesis in a letter sent to the Union of Czech Fine Artists in 1988: “The free group 12/15 is a reaction to the current conditions for Czech fine art, not allowing sufficient spontaneous cooperation or confrontation of artists. It is based on the need to change this situation in a team of dissenting authors who will try to respect different artistic approaches. The grouping is not closed. Late but still." As the name and the above lines suggest, it was mainly a group of authors based on the same socio-cultural environment, to which, however, they responded with different artistic approaches. They have preserved this peculiarity of artistic expression to this day. The exhibition deliberately presents the work of recent years and shows the connoisseur where the work of individual members has moved since the last joint exhibition. For many, however, this exhibition can also be revealing, because, although the group was never officially dissolved, its members have not been confronted with their works at a joint exhibition for over twenty years. We therefore believe that our work will give contemporary art-historical society an impulse to organize a larger and more complete memorandum of this important Czech art group of the second half of the 20th century.

Linda K. Sedláková

Responses in the media:

ČTK: Galerie Gema obnovila provoz se skupinou 12/15. Blesk.cz, 7.4. 2016

ČTK: Galerie Gema obnovila provoz se skupinou 12/15. Týden.cz, 7. 4. 2016

ČTK: Pražská galerie Gema z 90. let obnovila provoz, přestěhovala se na Vinohrady. Hospodářské noviny, 7. 4. 2016

Pražská galerie Gema z 90. let obnovila provoz, přestěhovala se na Vinohrady. Aktuální zprávy ze země, 7. 4. 2016

Feltlová, M. - Marešová M., Milena: Jiří Sopko, dvonásobný rektor AVU, po více než 25 letech opouští akademické prostředí. Českýrozhlas Vltava, 8. 4. 2016

Galerie: Dlouho váhá. Pouta je drží při sobě. Musí sám. Na druhý břeh je ale příliš daleko, obraz Tomáše Švédy je součástí kolektivní výstavy skupiny 12/15, která je otevřenav pražskégalerii Gema do 29. května 2016. Lidové noviny, 9. 4. 2016

Nová Gema, Art and Antiques, duben 2016, s. 92