Vojtěch Horálek was born on 14 June 1983 in Prague.
He graduated from the Academy of the Fine Arts in Prague, field of painting, atelier of Doc. Michael Rittstein in 2010.
"Although it might seem that creative art has already completely shifted to the area of virtual electronics or adheres to the level of a social event, surprisingly distinctive works performed in one of the traditional media are constantly being created in our surroundings. Even though in the tendency towards new figuration in the nineteen seventies and eighties formulated an almost exhaustive number of works on this subject in paintings, the Czech scene is constantly being enlivened by personages that are capable of exceptional distinctive and contemporary creations."
2009 Provence, výstava obrazů a objektů, Oblastní muzeum Brandýs n. Labem
2010 Z dílničky, výstava obrazů a objektů, zámek Častolovice
2011 Tam v modré dáli, výstava obrazů, Galerie 9, Praha
2011 China Town, výstava obrazů, Klicperovo divadlo Hradec Králové
2012 Pouští a pralesem, výstava obrazů a objektů, kulturní dům Dobříš
2013 M33, Galerie GATE, Praha
Vojtěch Horálek, Jindřichův Hradec
Vojtěch Horálek, České centrum v Paříži, Francie
PETIŠKOVÁ, T., RITTSTEIN, M., Vojtěch Horálek - Monografie. Praha: Gema Art, 2013. 112 s. ISBN 978-80-904575-3-9.